【PDCA日記 Vol. 259「やめることの方が難しい」】
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「行き詰る」 = 「be stuck」>
今回出てきた「行き詰る」の英訳は、「be stuck」になります。
「彼は、仕事に行き詰っている」を英語で表現する場合、「He is stuck at work」とすればよいですね :-)。
The material introduced today "The White Book" has a catchphrase of "The culmination of wisdom necessary to survive a new era" and the following phrases were impressive in the section "What is necessary to start a new job?"
"It's harder and harder to quit than to get started, I suppose.
If you are stuck with getting started in your job hunting, I think that is because quitting is not done properly.
I don't know the limitations of your previous job, such as the industry, human relationships, or the traditional Japanese system, but if you don't solve the problems yourself, you will feel the same again.
So, first of all, I think it is important to face the problem before getting started." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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