PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 496「絶対に安全という認識は役に立たない」/ "The perception of absolute safety is useless"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 496「絶対に安全という認識は役に立たない」】








今回紹介する資料「海外出張中のビジネスマンが動乱に巻き込まれたら? 日本政府は邦人を救えるか?」は、「トラブルを回避するための旅行術」を解説しており、「脱出劇で学んだこと」部分の以下フレーズが印象的でした。
































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P.S. 日本の図書館で本を読んでいると、カバンやPCを席に置いたままトイレに立つ人が結構います。






日本の治安の良さを海外で期待すると、大変な目に合う可能性があるため、今回紹介する資料「海外出張中のビジネスマンが動乱に巻き込まれたら? 日本政府は邦人を救えるか?」を読んでおき、リスク管理意識を高めておくことが重要になってきますね :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「認識」=「perception」>




「絶対に安全という認識は役に立たない」を英語にする場合、「The perception of absolute safety is useless」とすればよいですね :-)。  




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 496 "The perception of absolute safety is useless"】


The material introduced today "What if a business person on a business trip abroad gets caught up in a turmoil? Can the Japanese government save Japanese people? (Japanese only)" explains "Travel tips to avoid troubles and learn from an escape drama" and the following phrases were impressive.


"This Libyan turmoil began with a civil demonstration in Tunisia at the end of 2010.


The democratization movement that occurred in Tunisia moved to Egypt and other places, and became known as the Arab Spring.


Tunisia and Egypt are neighboring countries of Libya.


Tunisia borders on the west side, and Egypt borders on the east side of Lybya.


Among the Japanese who were on the scene at the time about jumping over Libya, everyone said that it was okay because there was Gaddafi in Libya.


From Libya and Arab expatriates to Middle Eastern experts, they believed that there could be no democratic movement in Libya as well.


However, on February 15th, 2011, Libya's first anti-government movement broke out in Benghazi, and on the 20th it flew to Tripoli and I experienced an escape drama on February 24th.


Only nine days after the outbreak in Benghazi, I had escaped, so you can see how fast the progress was.


The result was 180 degrees different from the outlook based on past experience and knowledge that everyone believed that Gaddafi was absolutely stable and the democratization movement could not happen in Libya.


I strongly felt that in this day and age, we must always be aware that there is absolutely no place to be safe.


On February 23rd, 2011, I decided to have the embassy drive me to the city because I couldn't get on the reserved Lufthansa plane to Frankfurt from Tripoli Airport and the risk of sunset would increase.


In the car, when the embassy staff suggested that I return to the hotel I was staying at or stay overnight at the embassy, ​​I asked if it would cost me.


Then, I was told that I would have to pay the actual cost, but I didn't know what the actual cost was.


This time, although the government received support from other countries, I arranged and operated a charter aircraft, but if I use that charter aircraft, I will receive a bill from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a later date in Japan.


In response to the new coronavirus turmoil that occurred in 2020 and the Japanese government's flight of a charter plane to return a corporation in Wuhan.


The Diet supported the Japanese government as it was discussed who would bear the cost.


It is necessary to be aware that there is a charge for receiving it." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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