PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,063「モンロー主義への回帰」/ "Return to Monroe Doctrine"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,063モンロー主義への回帰」】


アメリカは世界の警察官ではない。(America is not the world's policeman)」














今回紹介する資料「ポピュリズムと欧州動乱 フランスはEU崩壊の引き金を引くのか」には、そのヒントが隠されています。


アメリカの外交史200年を分析したい人にとって、今回紹介する資料「ポピュリズムと欧州動乱 フランスはEU崩壊の引き金を引くのかは読みごたえのある一冊です。




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P.S. アメリカがモンロー主義から脱却し、中南米をはじめとした海外の政局に介入するようになったきっかけは冷戦であると言われています。














<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「モンロー主義」=「Monroe Doctrine」>


今回出てきた「モンロー主義の英訳は、「Monroe Doctrine」になります。


モンロー主義への回帰」を英語にする場合、「Return to Monroe Doctrine」とすればよいですね😊。



< マドモアゼルPDCAのメルシー映画「カメレオン」>



















PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,063 "Return to Monroe Doctrine"】


"America is not the world policeman."


Above are the words of former President of the United States Barack Obama.


In the latter half of the 20th century, America intervened in various countries and regions as a world police force.


However, he seems to have sought to return to the old Monroe Doctrine after the Obama administration.


The Monroe Doctrine was advocated by the fifth United States President James Monroe in 1823 in the Parliament.


The Monroe Doctrine is a call to the American continent and the European continent not to interfere, and it can be said to be a diplomatic declaration that "America doesn't know about other countries."


Nearly 200 years have passed since the Monroe Doctrine was announced.


The question must that "Is the United States returning to the Monroe era?"


A hint is hidden in the material introduced today "Populism and the European upheaval that will trigger the collapse of the EU? (Japanese only)"


If you want to analyze 200 years of American diplomacy history, this book must be readable.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. It is said that the Cold War was the reason why the America escaped from Monroe Doctrine and began to intervene in overseas political affairs such as Latin America.


As the former Soviet Union promoted communism, a wave of anti-capitalist rushed to Latin America.


The expansion of communism in Latin American countries, which are physically close to each other, poses a great geopolitical risk to the United States.


During the Cold War, the United States not only actively supported the pro-US countries in Latin America, but also began to see cases of invisible military intervention.


However, when the Berlin Wall collapsed in 1989 and the former Soviet Union disappeared in 1991, the incentive for the United States to act as the "world police" decreased.


In addition, the financial crisis in 2008 and the challenging financial and fiscal situation in the United States are said to have influenced the Obama administration's decision to return to Monroe Doctrine.


It is said that "When poverty comes through the door, love goes out the window", and this proverb may also apply to American diplomatic strategy.
