【PDCA日記 Vol. 620「閉鎖された世界」】
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P.S. 今回紹介した資料「右向け左!」と毛色は全く違いますが、「ライジングサン」という作品も自衛隊を舞台にした漫画です。
印象的だったのは「ライジングサン: 2巻」で、「自衛官に最も必要なもの」として「理不尽への耐性」があげられていることでした。
ビジネスは戦争ではないため、「ライジングサン: 2巻」で描かれているような「理不尽への耐性」が必要な局面はそれほどありません。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「全体主義」=「totalitarianism」>
「高校野球は全体主義色の強い世界である」を英語にする場合、「High school baseball is a world of strong totalitarianism」とすればよいですね😊。
【PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 620 "Closed World"】
The material to be introduced today, "Right Left Face! (Japanese only)" is a comic from a long time ago that comically expresses the internal situation of the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) of Japan.
In a closed world of strong totalitarianism, such as army and high school baseball, there is a tendency for external monitoring to be difficult to reach even if problems such as bullying occur.
If you are interested in the SDF, please read this book.
This material is a work that I read a few decades ago, but I never got tired of reading it again😊.
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. At the PDCA Cafe, one participant asked me that "When a person who had good grades at school with great personality went into society, he or she is not always successful. Why is that?"
My answer is that “Unlike school exams, there is no correct answer at business.”
The first thing I was confused when I went to a business school was that “The case method has no correct answer”.
One way to deal with this challenges was to read the case thoroughly in advance and discuss the idea at group work.
After that, the class discussion begins, and the facilitator (professor) will deepen the discussion while listening to the students' opinions.
The material “Rising Sun (Japanese only)” is a comic about the SDF as well.
“Rising Sun” is packed with useful information for business persons, I suppose.
What impressed me was that "Rising Sun 2" mentions that “resistance to unreasonableness” as “the most necessary thing for SDF personnel”.
Since business is not a war, “resistance to unreasonableness” as described in “Rising Sun 2” does not come out at office.
However, if there is no tolerance for unreasonableness, there is a possibility of being forced into a challenging situation where there is no correct answer.
One way to build resistance to unreasonableness is to find means to relieve work stress.
In my case, I forgot my work completely (?) while doing yoga.
Therefore, the busier I become, the more time I try to do yoga😊.