【PDCA日記 Vol. 626「昭和の異常な自粛」】
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P.S. 2021年4月9日、イギリスのエリザベス女王の夫であるエディンバラ公爵フィリップ王配が他界しました。
1つは、イギリスの国営医療サービス事業である「国民保健サービス(National Health Service:略称NHS)」です。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「自粛」 = 「self-restraint」>
「昭和の異常な自粛」を英語で表現する場合、「Showa's unusual self-restraint」とすればよいですね😊。
【PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 626 "Showa's unusual self-restraint"】
The material introduced today "FAKE Heisei History (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase "Ending Heisei era, but people are still reading between the lines." and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Showa's unusual self-restraint".
"On September 19, 1988, Emperor Showa vomits blood and begins a fight against illness.
At the same time, flashy events and events were almost self-restraint (cancelled or reduced in scale).
The Chunichi Dragons, who won the professional baseball league in Japan, changed the name of 'Celebration Victory Party' to 'Relief Session' and refrained from drinking beer in the part." (Unquote)
The strong totalitarian color may not change so much in Japan from prewar to the end of the Showa period and in 2021.
I'm rather not good at totalitarianism, and I've also run away from the financial industry, where many people wore similar clothes and had similar facial expressions.
Now that we have the internet, people who are not good at totalitarianism have a way to get out of it, and I feel that it is a good thing 😊.
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. On April 9, 2021, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of Queen Elizabeth of England, passed away.
Today (April 17, 2021), Prince Philip's funeral will be held, but Britain seems to be in mourning all over the country.
However, self-restraint is being carried out everywhere in Britain, and some people say that it is overkill.
It seems that the self-restraint in Japan after 1988 seems to have gone too far, but excessive self-restraint occurs everywhere in the world when the imperial family and the royal family are involved.
Looking at the self-restraint situation related to Prince Philip, you can see that the royal family is special to the British.
It is said that there are two things that the British are proud of.
The first is the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.
The other is the British royal family.
British people value the royal family as much as NHS, which is a national health insurance that protects lives and health, and I feel the difference from the feelings that Japanese people have in the royal family.