PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 700「少数派の意見の通し方」/ "How to realize opinions of minorities"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 700「少数派の意見の通し方


過去のPDCA日記で、「同調行動」 を紹介しました。





























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心理学概論: こころの理解を社会へつなげる

心理学概論: こころの理解を社会へつなげる

  • 発売日: 2018/10/20
  • メディア: 単行本


P.S. 一貫性と継続性を担保するコツとしては、報告先を決めておき、「いつのまにか消えるプロジェクト」にならないようにすることがポイントだと感じています。
















「気づいたら~♪ PDCA日記~♪ 700回書いてた~♪」(乃木坂46の名曲「気づいたら片想い」のメロディーで🎤)



< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「一貫性がある」 = 「consistent」>




PDCA日記の内容には一貫性がある」を英語にする場合、「The contents of the PDCA diary are consistent」とすればよいですね😊。  




心理学概論: こころの理解を社会へつなげる

心理学概論: こころの理解を社会へつなげる

  • 発売日: 2018/10/20
  • メディア: 単行本



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 700 "How to realize opinions of minorities"

In PDCA Diary the other day, I introduced the strength of the pressure of synchronous behavior (Try to tune with opinion, attitude, actions to the majority of people), but sometimes the minority influenced the whole group and leaded to innovation.


The material to be introduced today "Introduction to Psychology (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase "Connect understanding of mind to society", and explains the famous "Moscovici minority experiment" known as the study on influence of minority as follows.


"In this experiment, one group of six people answered the color of the slide in order, but two of them are shills saying the blue slide consistently as green.


Then, it affected the major experimental participants.


As a result, it was shown that about 32% answered the blue slide as green.


There are some conditions for minority to realize influence.


One of them is consistency of assertions.


Among the above experiments, if shills mentioned the blue side as green occasionally, influence diminished.


On the other hand, when shills kept saying the blue slide as green from the beginning to the end, the majority tended to flow to the same opinion." (Unquote)


It is challenging to express actions different from others, but in that case, I feel that continuity is important, in addition to the consistency that is proved in above "Moscovici minority experiment".


I myself had encountered several scenes in which minorities realized opinions in the organization when I was a banker and self-employed.


Minority people challenged the traditional methods and they gradually changed the customs and eventually led the organizations to better directions with consistency and continuity.


Let's function PDCA today!   


In case you would like to receive a notice at the time of PDCA Diary post, please utilize Twitter😊. https://twitter.com/MPdca  


P.S. As a tip to ensure consistency and continuity, deciding the reporting destination would be convenient, because you can avoid natural extinction of the project.


Through PDCA diary, I am reporting to the readers every day (?), so when the post stops suddenly, some colleagues might think "What's going on?"


Beyond 4,000 miles of space-time, there are many cases to receive the voice of ”Keep posting PDCA Diary” from India (Thank you & Mercy!).


In addition to everyone's encouragement, PDCA diary could reach 700th anniversary, because I have been posting this blog as a hobby😊.
