今回紹介する資料「THE LONELY CENTURY:なぜ私たちは「孤独」なのか」は、「矛盾に満ちた時代だが、希望の時代でもある」をキャッチフレーズにしており、「民主主義のスキルを磨く」部分の以下のフレーズが印象的でした。
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P.S. 今回紹介した資料「THE LONELY CENTURY:なぜ私たちは「孤独」なのか」が述べている内容で、「大きなことを成し遂げるスキルは、小さな交流の積み重ねを通じて学ばれる」という点は、ビジネスにおいても同じであると私は感じました。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「磨く」 = 「hone」>
「民主主義のスキルを磨く」を英語で表現する場合、「Hone your democracy skills」とすればよいですね😊。
The material introduced today "The Lonely Century: A Call to Reconnect" has the catchphrase "It's an era full of contradictions, but it's also an era of hope," and the following phrases in the "Hone your democracy skills" part were impressive.
"Do you think it's a leap forward to be able to practice democracy by living and eating with someone?
But the skills to accomplish big things are learned through the accumulation of small interactions.
Wicked problems are associated with everyday life.
It may be a trivial matter, such as who will take out the trash and who will prepare the meal tonight.
By living with someone, you can learn how to solve these problems, coordinate with your wishes, make concessions, manage differences, and coexist peacefully.
If you pay 20% more rent to live in a studio apartment or pay your rental friend $ 40 an hour, you might be able to eliminate this process (and do things your own way).
This is equivalent to buying a single decision, but at the cost of it, we may have given up the opportunity to hone our social and democratic background.
To learn one of the elements of inclusive democracy, 'sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the public good,' you need to hone your speaking skills and the skills to respect and disagree with your housemates and neighbors are indispensable.
These skills are great practice for the first time when you actually use them.
It was no coincidence that the square (Agora), where 6,000 Athens citizens gathered in ancient Greece, played a crucial role in the formation of democracy.
When we get together physically, it becomes easier to look at each other's eyes and to use nonverbal signs such as body language and fragrance as clues to empathize and cooperate mutually beneficially, which is difficult to obtain in digital relationships.
Also, face-to-face, it is difficult to leave the place as easily as logging off when you disagree with the other party's opinion.
That's why it's important to maintain face-to-face interaction even in today's digitally dominated life.
Especially in the contactless era, as we will see in the next chapter." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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