PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 874「英語ができない人はいない」/ "Anyone can speak English"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 874「英語ができない人はいない






今回紹介する資料「「英語が話せない、海外居住経験なしのエンジニア」 だった私が、定年後に同時通訳者になれた理由」は、英語が苦手だった元エンジニアが定年後に同時通訳になるまでの日々を綴っており、「英語ができない」と思い込んでいる人にとってかなり参考になると思います。






「『指示=order』じゃないの?」部分は英語を勉強していると感じることで、戦争映画などを観ていると、「That's an order(これは、命令だ)」というセリフが出てきます。






PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca 



P.S. 昨日のPDCA日記で「続けること」の重要性をお伝えしましたが、英語学習の秘訣も「続けること」だと思っています。














< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「絶対的」 = 「absolute」>




「彼女の意見は、絶対的指示だった」という場合、「Her opinion was an absolute order」とすればよいですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 874 "Anyone can speak English"

Recently, I have been receiving an inquiry that "How can I be able to speak English?"


My response is that "Anyone can speak English. People who are good at English only know a lot of English words".


The material to be introduced today "Why I became a simultaneous interpreter after retirement (Japanese only)" is an interesting book, because the author was an engineer who was not good at English at all, but he decided to become an interpreter after his retirement.


The entire contents of this material is interesting, but the following phrases were especially impressive.


"I learned English through my work. Work place was the best place to acquire English." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. I expressed the importance of continuity in PDCA diary yesterday, and the secret of learning English is also continuity, I suppose.


In order to continue, "building a system that can be continued" would be a key.


In my case, I am listening the news of NHK (National broadcaster in Japan) at 7 pm in English and this habit continues for more than 20 years (Then, I go to bed at 7:30 pm😊).


I have never bought materials of English conversation, nor have I been to an English conversation school (Because I cannot continue).


I am sometimes making mistakes in English translation of PDCA diary, but people all over the world have been pointing out my faults.
