【PDCA日記 Vol. 1,488「生産性の高いチームの共通点」】
「心理的安全性」は、英語の「psychological safety」の和訳であり、元々は心理学用語でした。
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P.S. 過去のPDCA日記で、「マネージャーがいるチームの方が、いないチームよりも結果を出す傾向にあり、満足度も高い」というグーグルの報告を紹介しました。
上手くいっているところがビジネス事例として注目されますが、後になると状況が変わるかもしれないということですね :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「生産性」=「productivity」>
「生産性の高いチームの共通点として、他者への心づかいや同情、あるいは配慮や共感がある」を英語にする場合、「Common points of highly productive teams are caring for others, compassion, consideration and empathy」とすればよいですね :-)。
Recently, the words “psychological safety” have been increasingly seen in newspapers and magazines.
“Psychological safety” was originally a psychological term.
When Google conducted a survey on its own productivity improvement, it was confirmed again.
The material to be introduced today “Chat + Consultation (Japanese only)” has a catchphrase of “The custom of teams that produce results” and the following phrases were impressive in the part “Common points of highly productive teams discovered by Google”.
“There is a common aspect of highly productive teams that they have mindfulness and sympathy for others, consideration and empathy.
Specifically, the following five items were mentioned.
・ Psychological safety (mistakes are not blamed)
・ Mutual trust (members implement the work to the end)
・ Structure and clarity (there is an effective decision making process)
・ The meaning of work (meaningful for each member)
・ Impact (Members understand how they contribute)
Among these, psychological safety is the foundation.
In other words, creating psychological safety is an indicator of the team that produces results." (Unquote)
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