PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,537「本をプレゼントすると本を読む」/ "If you give books, you will read"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,537「本をプレゼントすると本を読む」】







「Mr. PDCAから本をもらえるなんて!」と喜んでくれるケースが多く、Mr. PDCA厳選(?)の書籍であるため、自分で言うのも何ですが読む価値のある本しかプレゼントしません😊。















P.S. 最近は、キンドルなどのウェブデバイスを使って本を読むことも増えていますが、私は未だに週に一回は書店に足を運ぶようにしています😊。








< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「逆襲」=「revenge」>




「アナログによる逆襲はあなどれない」を英語にする場合、「We can't underestimate the revenge of analog」とすればよいですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,537 "If you give books, you will read"


When I talk about reading books at PDCA cafe, I notice that there are quite a lot of people who are struggling with "Just buying, not reading books syndrome".


In my case, I introduce books in PDCA diary one book a day, so I can never be in such a syndrome.


Additionally, when I meet somebody at PDCA cafe, I sometimes giving books.


Participants are pleased to receive books from Mr. PDCA since these are carefully selected books by me :-).


The material to be introduced today “Analog Strike Back (Japanese only)” has a catchphrase of “Changes in business and ideas to post-digital economy” and the following phrases were impressive.


"If you look at bookstores opened in New York and other places in recent years, the way they sell books haven't changed much since Gutenberg invented the printing press.


The big difference is that it turns what is considered the shortcoming of analog into a strength and appeals as an attractive lifestyle choice.


The new generation of bookstores has positioned itself as a more fun and enlightening retailer to replace Amazon and large stores.


It's a beautiful space that's warm and often inviting." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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