「読書時間が取れない」という人は多いですが、「歯磨きの時間が取れない」という人はいません(多分😊) 。
それぞれの分野における専門家をお話することは、「お金では買えない」、正に「プライスレス(?)」な体験です(どこかで聞いたキャッチコピーですが、一時期、Mr. PDCA はクレジットカード会社でも働いていた!)。
PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S. 話は変わりますが、2019年12月に日産自動車で経営陣が刷新されました。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「刷新」 = 「reform」>
「経営刷新」を英語にする場合、「management reform」とすればよいですね😊。
【PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 735 "Difference between reading & brushing teeth"】
One participant at the PDCA cafe mentioned that "I have no enough time to read books".
For above comments, I responded that "You had better make reading a habit as you brush your teeth."
There are many people saying "I have no time to read", but no one says "I do not have time for brushing teeth" (probably😊).
I think that the difference between reading and brushing teeth is whether it is customized or not.
In my case, reading one book a day became a habit, because I visit bookstores and libraries over the weekend and get more than 10 books.
I have been continuing this habit more than 10 years it has been stuck on me😊.
Even if I forget tooth brushing, I will never forget reading, so I can say that it truly became a habit (Books are piled up in the bedside and "visualization" is thorough as well!).
Also, I am currently posting PDCA Diary every day, so I am not just reading a book a day, but also finding important parts and I feel that it is a good thing😊.
The material to be introduced today "Art of Reading (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase that "The art of surviving freely is polished by reading ", and the following contents were impressive.
"Writing a review is the best reading technique.
The most important part of each book is about 20%, so you need to find and read that point properly.
It is not necessary to read the whole book, because you might sometimes fail a book selection.
Since it is a sunk cost, you need to stop reading in that case." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. Somebody has been commented that "Books are expensive", but the cost for books is more cost-effective than any other investment (I was engaged in 16 years of financial transactions including the composition of complicated derivatives products, so I can say this with confidence).
The material "Art of Reading" also explains the high cost-effectiveness of reading books as follows.
"We are lucky to have all kinds of books around the world in Japanese and the price of books is much cheaper than other developed countries. It is expensive to go to study abroad, but reading good books is worth the same level." (Unquote)
Since starting PDCA Diary in April 2018, I had opportunities to meet many professionals.
Discussing with bright and positive experts is a priceless experience for me and this fact is proving that the cost-effectiveness of reading books is pretty high😊.