【PDCA日記 Vol. 1,557「制約を言い訳にしない」】
P.S. 今回紹介した資料「上に行く人が早くから徹底している仕事の習慣」は、「言い訳をすることによって周りのモチベーションを下げることになる」と説明しています。
「どう考えても組織の問題である事項」の責任を問われてしまう場合、「これを言うと周りがどう思うか」と意識しながら言い訳をすると、全体最適に合致した内容になるかもしれませんね :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「制約」 = 「constraint」>
「制約を言い訳にしない」を英語で表現する場合、「Don't make excuses for constraints」とすればよいですね :-)。
Though different companies have different ways of thinking about excuses, organizations that will not allow employees to make excuses at all become the irresponsible companies.
There is a need for escape in any situation, and despite the principle that the person in charge is responsible, it seems that the group in which management and executives are ultimately responsible lasts longer.
The material to be introduced today "The work habits that people who go up from the beginning are thorough (Japanese only)" reiterates that "You should be more careful" and the following phrases were impressive.
"Excuses are the way the recipient feels, and the person may just be saying the facts.
However, what is the intention and making negative statements can easily stop thinking.
Speaking out easily reduces the motivation of those involved and makes it harder to solve things that can be solved." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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