【PDCA日記 Vol. 1,579「よく噛んで食べる」】
P.S. 誰にも言えない悩みを抱えている人は、今回紹介した資料「もしも悩みがなかったら」の一読をお勧めします。
1. 栄養のある食べものを、よく噛んで食べる。
2. 小さな場所からそうじを始める。
3. 友人や専門家に相談する。
4. 適度な運動をする。
5. 本を読んで解決策を探す。
6. 外に出て日光を浴びる。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「よく噛む」 = 「chew well」>
今回出てきた「よく噛む」の英訳は、「chew well」になります。
「よく噛んで食べる」を英語で表現する場合、「Chew well and eat」とすればよいですね :-)。
At PDCA Café, there are people who have a lot of challenges.
In such cases, I ask them, "What did you eat yesterday?"
Many people say "I don't remember", but there are cases where they eat sugar-based meals such as "cup noodle" and "sweet bread."
People who enjoy their daily meals think they are more likely to have “life will be well”.
Conversely, people who say that their food hasn't tasted good recently may be overworked.
The material to be introduced today "If you have no worries (Japanese only)'' has a catchphrase of "I want you to read this book if you are lost in life'' and the following phrases were impressive.
"Be sure to chew when you eat meals.
Chewing well makes digestion easier, and improves blood circulation in the brain, which has a relaxing effect." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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