PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,643「耳以外で聞く」/ "Listen except by ears"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,643「耳以外で聞く


PDCAカフェで頂くコメントとして、「Mr. PDCAは無口なのですね」というものがあります。


そう、私はとても恥ずかしがり屋なのです (*ノωノ)。









1. 顔で聞く。笑顔で顔全体の筋肉を使って、相手の話を聞くのです。

2. 手で聞く。メモを取りながら聞くことです。説得する際にも、自分で書いたメモを見せながら情報を共有することで、自分がどの程度、相手の話を理解しているかを確認することもできます。

3: 声で聞く。あいづちを打つタイミングは、文章にすると句読点がはいるところ。話の切れ目や、相手が何かを強調した時に入れることで、相手の満足感がアップします。」(引用終わり)





私は営業をしていた時、A4の白紙の紙を目の前に置いておいてお客様のコメントを1枚にまとめて、「このような方向性で宜しいですかね?」と確認をし、「そうそう、Mr. PDCA。その通りだよ」とお客様は納得されて、契約に入っていました。






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思いどおりに人を動かす 超一流のすごい説明

思いどおりに人を動かす 超一流のすごい説明

  • 作者:太田 龍樹
  • 発売日: 2018/09/03
  • メディア: 単行本


P.S. 今回紹介した資料「超一流のすごい説明でもう一つポイントだと思ったのは、「話す時も左右対称の姿勢を意識する」という点です。












 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「対称」 = 「symmetry」>






思いどおりに人を動かす 超一流のすごい説明

思いどおりに人を動かす 超一流のすごい説明

  • 作者:太田 龍樹
  • 発売日: 2018/09/03
  • メディア: 単行本



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,643 "Listen except by ears"

At PDCA cafe, some participant are saying that "Mr. PDCA doesn't talk than expected".


Yes, I am a very shy person (*ノωノ). (⇦This is a picture message of "shyness". it is one of famous Japanese word character called "emoji"😊)


I think that I experienced quite a lot of presentations, but I am not good at it yet, rather, I prefer to convey ideas by writing.


The material to be introduced today "Great Explanation (Japanese only)" emphasizes that "Explanation skill is more important than planning ability and conversation technique" and the following phrases were impressive.

<Points When Listening>
NG: Expressionless face. Looking in different directions. Putting elbows on the desk.
Good: Smiling. Eye contacts. Taking notes.


"In order to become a good listener, you had better listen except by ears. Therefore, please refer to the following 3 points.


1. Listening by the face. Let's listen to the story using the whole face muscle with smile.

2. Listening by hands. This means taking notes while listening. Taking notes can show how much you understand the story of the speaker.

3. Listening by voice. By nodding at appropriate timing like emphasizing points, satisfaction of the speaker will be raised." (Unquote)


When I joined a foreign financial institution in 2000, there was a training called "Active Listening", and the instructor explained the listing tips of with face, hands and voice (Amazing😊).


Also, Mr. K, who was my first boss (Sometimes he appeared in PDCA diary!) often said, "When you (Mr. PDCA) sell products, you prepare a sheet of paper and take notes of client comments."


When I was a sales representative at bank, I put a paper in front of me and gathered customer's comments in one sheet and confirmed "Are you OK with such a direction?"


Then, the client said "Yeah, Mr. PDCA, you are right" and I moved into a contract with consent.


Mr. K's guidance was "Listen by hands" and it is exactly the same as the book's explanation.


What I thought interesting in this book was that "Be conscious of symmetrical posture when speaking".


In Japan, there are many business persons who watch the screen at the time of presentation, but appropriate eye contacts will be difficult by doing this and will not be "Symmetrical posture".


Let's function PDCA today!   


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