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< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「経典」 = 「scripture」>
「経典がないヒンドゥー教」を英語で表現する場合、「Hinduism has no scriptures」とすればよいですね😊。
I had a lunch with people doing business related to India, and the subject of Hinduism came up.
In Japan, it is recognized that the Bible is the scripture of Christianity and the Koran is the scripture of Islam.
Since there is no scripture in Hinduism and not much information is provided in Japan.
Regarding Hinduism, it may be best known that "cows are treated as sacred creatures".
The material introduced today "Understanding Hinduism (Japanese only)" explains in detail of Hinduism and the following phrases were impressive.
"Christianity and Islam can be voluntarily adopted by individuals, and many convert from other religions.
On the other hand, in Hinduism, one becomes a follower by birth, and it is difficult to become a follower of one's own will.
Of course, Hinduism also has ceremonies for becoming a believer, just like Buddhism's ordination and Christianity's baptism.
However, receiving it does not make one a true Hindu.
In addition, Hinduism is based on a community such as family and relatives, and it is said that the faith is deepened in the relationship of ‘surrounding the table’.
It is not based solely on personal beliefs.
Hinduism is also practiced in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia.
In other words, Hinduism has spread to countries other than India.
Hindus in these Southeast Asian countries are people who immigrated from India during the generation of their ancestors.
In that sense, they can be said to be Hindus by birth, even if they change countries.” (Unquote)
The importance of "surrounding the dining table" is not limited to Hinduism, but is the same in business.
If you are invited to a business lunch in India, it usually starts between 1:00 and 2:00 pm, but try not to schedule meetings after that.
In Japan, we tend to think that it will take about an hour, but there are cases where it takes at least 2 hours, and sometimes longer than 3 hours😊.
Let's function PDCA today!
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