PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,657「膨大な情報を濾過する」/ "Filter vast amounts of information"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,657「膨大な情報を濾過する」】















あふれる情報を自分の納得いく形で収集できていると思う人はそう多くないはずで、情報量が指数関数的に増大し続ける私達の社会のペイン(解決されることが望ましい悩み・苦痛)に対するペインキラー(そのような悩みや苦痛を解決するもの)をいかに創造するかという課題は、ポータルサイトRSS(Rich Site Summary:リッチ・サイト・サマリー)、アグリゲーションサイト、まとめサイトやキュレーションメディア…といった効率的に情報を届けるための手段が数々生まれてきたものの、いまだに未解決のまま摘み残されているように思われる。














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P.S. 今回紹介する資料「シェアしたがる心理」が述べている「SNS疲れ」を感じている人が多いようで、私の周りでも「Facebookをやめた」という知り合いが結構いたりします。




< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「濾過する」=「filter」>




「膨大な情報を濾過する」を英語にする場合、「Filter vast amounts of information」とすればよいですね😊。  




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,657 "Filter vast amounts of information"】


The material introduced today "Psychology that wants to share (Japanese only)" explains "7 perspectives to understand the information environment of SNS", and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Far away from SNS tiredness".


"Since the spread of the Internet, and especially since the 'Web 2.0' movement in the mid-2000s, the amount of information that surrounds us has continued to grow rapidly and never stops.


According to one theory, people living in the present age the amount of information consumed per day is said to have expanded to the extent that people in the pre-letterpress era had gained in their lifetime.


In modern times, information is abundant rather than scarce, and we have to search and filter vast amounts of information.


Not many people think that they are able to collect a flood of information in a way that they are satisfied with, and the amount of information continues to grow exponentially in the pain of our society.


The challenge of how to create a pain killer is portal sites, RSS (Rich Site Summary), aggregation sites, summary sites and curation media.


Although many means for efficiently delivering information such as these have been created, it seems that they are still left unsolved.


Under such circumstances, the frequency with which we come into contact with news through SNS is increasing, because the news with interactivity added that it is information issued by friends and acquaintances close to us.


Everyone sorts information using people as a filter.


The perspective of how to get optimized information in the limited time of the day continues to grow in importance, using Twitter and Instagram search capabilities to find posts. Is also the result of the user's rational choice.


On the other hand, it can be pointed out that such tools themselves have a mechanism to encourage users to search.


It is not only a place to connect with people and share the latest situation, but also a place to search for the information you want, and the increase in the number of users who send it is supporting it." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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