【PDCA日記 Vol. 60「グラスを合わせた乾杯はNG?」】
デキる男は、なぜバーに通うのか? ?大人の粋なBarの愉しみ方?
- 作者: 村田紘子
- 出版社/メーカー: ごきげんビジネス出版
- 発売日: 2016/12/22
- メディア: Kindle版
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P.S. 「エレガントなフルーツの種の出し方」がどのようなものであるか興味がある方は、PDCAカフェにお越しください。
他にもマニアックな研修がいくつかあり、色々面白いことがありましたので、そのことも含めてお伝えすることができますよ、フフフ :-)。
As I mentioned in past PDCA diaries, my first job was selling financial products for the wealthy.
One of the good things about this job was that I had a lot of opportunities to take training sessions.
Needless to say, there are courses on financial products and economics.
At the same time, there is also a “table manner course” at luxury hotel restaurant.
The material to be introduced today “How to enjoy a bar (Japanese only)” explains how to behave at bar and the following phrases were impressive.
“When toasting, you might want to put glasses with others, but the bar glass is expensive and very thin.
Therefore, you had better simply squeeze the glass in order not to break glasses.
As a real toasting method, you are supposed to take a glass and say 'Cheers!' by raising it to a slightly higher position." (Unquote)
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