PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,530「アメリカで健康経営が生まれた背景」/ "Background of health management in the US"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,530アメリカで健康経営が生まれた背景」】



私自身、2000年代前半にニューヨークで働き始めた際、最初に会社から「この中から自分で民間の保険を選んでね」と言われ、一番保険料が安い医療保険を選んだ記憶があります :-)。















P.S. 私がニューヨークで働く前に不思議に思っていたことの一つとして、「国民健康保険がないアメリカで、医療関係の社会保障が多額なのはなぜなのか?」ということがありました。






実際にアメリカで働かなければ、この辺りの仕組みを理解することはチャレンジングであり、海外で働くことは色々な意味でためになると私は考えています :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「国民皆保険」=「National Health Insurance」>


今回出てきた「国民皆保険」の英訳は、「National Health Insurance」になります。


国民皆保険がないため、アメリカ人の多くは民間の医療保険を使っている」を英語にする場合、「Many Americans use private medical insurance because there is no national health insurance」とすればよいですね :-)。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,530 "Background of health management in the US"】


When we are watching American movies, you can see people who don't have insurance and can't get proper medical care.


When I first started working in New York in the early 2000s, I was first told by the manager that "Please choose your own private insurance".


I remember that I chose the cheapest medical insurance at that time :-).


The material to be introduced today "Health Management as a Management Strategy (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase of "Employee health leads to increased corporate profits" and the following phrases in the "Health Management in the United States" section were impressive.


"Around 1990 in the United States, there was another challenge that rising health insurance premiums paid by companies.


Unlike the universal health insurance system in Japan, it is common for employees in the United States to purchase medical insurance through a company, not only during work but also after retirement.


As a result, the health status of employees and the availability of medical treatment have a significant effect on corporate performance, and are said to have contributed to General Motors' bankruptcy in 2009.


Companies needed to integrate employee health management as part of business management, such as by improving workplace environments and systems that take into account employee health, and by providing personal health management and guidance." (Unquote)


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